News Articles

News Articles

Get to Know The DC Sixers

We are the Jan Sixers being held in the DC Gulag. We are from all...

Lake’s attorneys argue more than 270k signatures county verified in less than three seconds

A judge heard closing arguments from counsel for failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, as well...

Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin Sentenced to 18 Months Probation

POLITICAL PERSECUTION: Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin Sentenced to 18 Months Probation by Arizona Bar...

Constitutionally protected rights guaranteed to be violated if you’re President Trump or one of his associates

Most lawyers are Democrats who work very hard to keep Democrats in office.  They make a...

Montana GOP’s Power Struggle: A Disregard For Law And Republican Voters

The recent clash for control within the Republican Party unfolded prominently on the Capitol stage...

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany

Farmers with 850 tractors demonstrated against increased fuel prices. You might have heard about the...

Former Utah County Clerk Facing Charges For Mishandling Election Ballots

Former Utah County Clerk Facing Charges For Mishandling Election Ballots (Photo by JASON REDMOND/AFP via...

Northampton County exec announces director’s resignation, calls election ‘failure’ (UPDATE)

Northampton County exec announces director’s resignation, calls election ‘failure’ (UPDATE) Updated: Dec. 14, 2023, 3:12...

America in Distress

America in Distress: How to Help the Hundreds of Political Prisoners Still Held Today by...